Sad Saturday
Elanor is licking her feet. Not sure why she doing that, but every time that I look it up on the internet, it’s always the worst. Need to make an appointment for her. Now that we are home. Should have made an appointment for her on our way back home, but the way life has…
I’m starting to feel alot better with being here at the NunYa.Walked around the property with my dog by my side and it felt great to get out of the cabin and get some exercise. Also been taking my vitamins. And that could also be a source of me feeling better about being alive. Yesterday,…
Special of Thursday
So I Just Decided that I’m going to add the day of the post with a snippet of snark. Have lots to do. Not sure where to start. The main Goal of today is to prepare and get ready to rent the trencher.
Lots of cool info
So, it has been a crazy few months. Lots of waiting and doing nothing but progress is now moving forward. Recently bought a huge wire for the electricity. The Cabin got upgraded to 200 amps and the new wire will provide 200 amps to the buildings I’m building. Next obstacle is the rental of heavy…
A year later
Arrived back at the ranch about 4 days ago. It’s been a slow progress to get moving. It could be that I’ve been partaking in some relaxing herbs. Elanor definitely enjoys the Ranch. Planted a few pepper seeds inside the cabin with us. Hope they grow. Set up a really cool spot behind the cabin…
Training at the park
Yesterday we did a little bit of training inside the kitchen, and outside in the backyard. It went really good, and she actually did get the hang of it after a few tries. So far we only have the command fit, and a command to have her come touch her nose to my palm when…
Park to the rescue
This new puppy of mine has lots and lots of energy. And I thought that having a back yard would be great to have her run around. Both of us running around on the backyard. But no. She just wants to be inside running around or on the couch biting my fingers and actually every…
Puppy training
Took Eleanor to puppy training today. It was more like human training, for how to train your dog the right way. They gave me a clicker and lots of homework. Since I’m not currently working, I’m going to spend most of my day going through the training. This week training So this week, the first…
Family is a reason to continue
So, it has been a while since I added to this blog. And today of all days Thursday. I spoke to my niece. And it was so great to finally talk to her after such a long period of time that we, haven’t even seen each other. She’s a 18-year-old girl going through some personal…