September 20, 2019
When I was down last week or even last month, my emotions were lost into an abyss of sadness, and confusion. But now I feel a growth with in me, I’m starting to see my account just like I did when I was using the simulator (to an extend). Not really worried about the losses…
September 19, 2019
As a new trader, a rookie trader, novice trader or amateur trader. What ever the right way to say it. The most important aspect of everyday is working and building on good habits that will benefit me on my journey to earn a full time income by trading the market(s). Lately, I’ve had a good…
September 18, 2019
I did it again. But this time I was actually in the trade this time. I’m very excited about my green day. Even though it was a small gain, it’s a step forward in the right direction. Was still thinking about yesterday’s missed opportunity. Not that I missed it, but I was searching my emotions…
September 17, 2019
Not sure what is worse, fear of missing out. Or fear of losing and being wrong on a trade. I guess if you get in because of feat of missing out, there is always the possibility that it will move in the direction that you want it to. But fear of losing and being wrong…
September 16, 2019
I used to hate Mondays, waking up and getting ready for work was a drag. And I mean a litteral drag. I needed to drag myself out of bed and into traffic. Now I’m waking up extremely early, earlier than I was when I had a job. But now I’m exited to wake up and…
September 13, 2019
Trading the market on Friday the 13th, like I don’t have enough fear while in a position. Actually, I didn’t even know it was Friday the 13th, until I started writing in my blog. What are the chances of that? I guess, I’ve just been to occupied in preparing myself for trading and not losing…
September 12, 2019
Woke up today with the ambition of a green day. Didn’t even bother with the pre-market, because I was going to be sticking to my Trading Plan. Trade only the Upward Thrust alert system that I use in the simulator. I went out for a walk at 7AM while listening to an audio book about…
September 10, 2019
This was such a great day, for this day trading. When I woke up this morning I was still a little bit disappointed from my loss from yesterday. So I was into very anxious to start trading once again. Especially since I have had a few days of red days. I started the day in…
September 9, 2019
Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination Peter Borish,Mastering the Trade Read the first few pages of Mastering the Trade. What a great book to start my week. Lots of good information in the first 15 pages. I’m really enjoying reading this book. Even though today was a very lazy day for me.…
September 8, 2019
8:22PM – Excited to start my new little blog. I ordered a new book called “Master the Trade” from Amazon and received it this afternoon. I started going through it but didn’t get down to reading it. I’ve gone through some training videos from youtube and been reading as much as I can from the…