September 13, 2019
Trading the market on Friday the 13th, like I don’t have enough fear while in a position. Actually, I didn’t even know it was Friday the 13th, until I started writing in my blog. What are the chances of that? I guess, I’ve just been to occupied in preparing myself for trading and not losing…
September 12, 2019
Woke up today with the ambition of a green day. Didn’t even bother with the pre-market, because I was going to be sticking to my Trading Plan. Trade only the Upward Thrust alert system that I use in the simulator. I went out for a walk at 7AM while listening to an audio book about…
September 9, 2019
Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination Peter Borish,Mastering the Trade Read the first few pages of Mastering the Trade. What a great book to start my week. Lots of good information in the first 15 pages. I’m really enjoying reading this book. Even though today was a very lazy day for me.…