Daily Stoic #7
Leisure without study is death – a tomb for the living person Seneca, Moral Letters, 82.4
September 24, 2019
What a slow day today was. Not many alerts came into the scanner. I sat and waited for a bit until $FLR came into the reversal scanner I’ve been using. The markets were down and I was not thinking that anything would be available to trade. I stared at this one stock for over an…
Daily Stoic #6
Being unexpected adds to the weight of a disaster, and being a surprise has never failed to increase a person’s pain. For that reason, nothing should ever be unexpected by us. Our Minds Should be sent out in advance to all things and we shouldn’t just consider the normal course of things, but what could…
Daily Stoic #5
Remember that your ruling reason becomes unconquerable when it rallies and relies on itself, so that it won’t do anything contrary to its own will, even if its position is irrational. How much more unconquerable if its judgments are careful and made rationally? Therefore, the mind freed from passions is an impenetrable fortress – a…
September 20, 2019
When I was down last week or even last month, my emotions were lost into an abyss of sadness, and confusion. But now I feel a growth with in me, I’m starting to see my account just like I did when I was using the simulator (to an extend). Not really worried about the losses…
Daily Stoic #5
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, because an artful life requires being prepared to meet and withstand sudden and unexpected attacks. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 7.61
September 19, 2019
As a new trader, a rookie trader, novice trader or amateur trader. What ever the right way to say it. The most important aspect of everyday is working and building on good habits that will benefit me on my journey to earn a full time income by trading the market(s). Lately, I’ve had a good…
Daily Stoic #4
Remember that to change your mind and to follow someone’s correction are consistent with a free will. For the action is yours alone – to fulfill its purpose in keeping with your impulse and judgement, and yes, with your intelligence. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 8.16
September 18, 2019
I did it again. But this time I was actually in the trade this time. I’m very excited about my green day. Even though it was a small gain, it’s a step forward in the right direction. Was still thinking about yesterday’s missed opportunity. Not that I missed it, but I was searching my emotions…