Saturday is for work

So, I wasn’t as productive as I should have been in the woodshop, but with my wife’s help, I was very productive in cleaning the house and doing some household chores—something that definitely needs to happen more often around here.

It was a productive day overall; we moved the stove out of its current location, cleaned behind it, and added some pest control. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, so that’s some good news. I did notice that the gas line is plugged and cannot be used immediately, so I’ll have to get someone to come out and fix that if I want to use a gas stove.Besides that, we vacuumed, swept, and cleaned inside the couch cushions.

We found almost 13 dog toys underneath the couches and other furniture, and even one under the stove, along with a few other things. So, now the couches are nice and clean, which I often do with my little Ryobi handheld vacuum cleaner.We also adjusted the pantry. Since we have a small pantry that fills up quickly, we decided to make better use of the space. For some reason, the shelves are only half the width of the pantry itself.

With the help of my friend Jerry from work, I managed to add some plywood he gave me to extend the shelves. Now, we have full shelves, which gives us much more space to store things.

I did have to handle a dead bird—actually, it was a quail, not a pigeon—out of the quail house. I’m not sure why it died; I think it might be too hot in there, but I don’t know how to fix it. There were a lot of maggots and bugs inside the cage, which I gathered up and fed to the chickens, who loved it, of course. We do have some more quail eggs hatching, and five more quail have already hatched and are now in the cages. Currently, we have about 15 or 16 quails and six chickens.

As for the little work I did in the woodshop, I removed all the clamps from the cedar storage box glue-up that I did yesterday. I noticed that some of the wood lifted away from the lid, and there are a couple of pretty bad gouges. I should have used the parchment paper I had, but I didn’t—I wanted to see what would happen without it, and I definitely won’t make that mistake again. But aside from that, it turned out really well, better than most of the boards I’ve glued up in the past. I managed to take a few pictures and posted them on the social channels I have for the woodshop. I also have some pictures I need to upload to the website so I can add the product to the store. I’m thinking about pricing it at $180, but I’m unsure because it’s made by an amateur, and I’m not sure how much that’s worth.