Training at the park

Yesterday we did a little bit of training inside the kitchen, and outside in the backyard.

It went really good, and she actually did get the hang of it after a few tries. So far we only have the command fit, and a command to have her come touch her nose to my palm when I extend my palm downward.

She is doing really good with getting the training, I tried to introduce to go around but she did not get that one yet

Today we went to the park

At the park we stayed within the disc golf course to allow her to get to know the way from one basket to another. My thought is to have her familiarize herself with the cores, like that she will accompany me while I play.

I know it won’t be anytime soon, but the more times we walk the course the easier it will be for us to play around of disc golf.

Was also thinking about training her to follow the disc as I throw it and sit next to it not sure if that will work.

Command at the park

While we were at the park, I did try to do some of the commands that she knows. She did very well, however she was distracted by the sound of cars driving by, the people walking and exercising, and the other dogs that were in the park.

She did however do the commands and perform them really good when I got her attention. It was a little bit difficult to have her focus on the training while the world around her was a lot more interesting.

I also asked a person if she could meet him, so I could socialize her to other people. It went very well and the man was very nice and tolerant of her jumping and slightly nibbing at him.

If I could encounter a person or a person with a dog and have her meet with them and have a good interaction, when she grows to a full adult socializing with other people will not be a problem.

We spent an hour and 10 minutes at the park today and I think that she is very tired. We will work ourselves up to a couple of hours at a time.