Wallowing Wednesday

It has been a rough day. Mentally. My depression just envelopes me in a heavy wet tiger blanket.

It was definitely not the day I thought it was going to be. But it came and went. And I didn’t even realize it. It’s just gone. I want to say I tried. But I can’t be positive right now.

Tried to do some cleaning work around the cabin. Started by putting stuff away, like Elanor’s Toys. Then I began to sweep the floor, which made me feel better, but the way the broom was sweeping… I just couldn’t continue. It wasn’t good. It’s my shop broom and the work was shot.

After that, I stopped. This was at 10 in the morning.

Tried to watch a movie, but I couldn’t.

I ate some chicken and decided to finish reading the Electrical book. Sat down and read lots of words that I couldn’t understand. The book has some advanced circuits that I’m not looking to do at this moment.

Actually, most of the book is that way. I highlighted what I need to know about the type of work that I’m doing and continued on to the next section.

I read it, I understood like less than half. 🙂

Which tells me the work I’m trying to do is not that hard. It just needs to get done.

Finally did that thing!

Replaced the water pressure gauge and nothing different happened. Not sure what is going on. The only other part I can change is the pressure tank.

Besides that. I played with Elanor and worried about money and everything else that is in the future.

Did’t take my vitamins this morning. Wondering if that was a factor in the way I felt today.

Anywhooo. Doctor who. :-‘

Got an email that my Trailer Hitch is at the Amazon Locker. The only one in town. So I’m headed out there to pick it up, then drive back home 1.5 hours away, to install the harness. Then Drive 45 minutes away to the closest Home Depot, and rent the trencher I need.

I’m truthfully not ready for this thing but I’m a coward and the only option I have is to continue moving forward.

Here is a picture of the pond after the rain. Looks like this could happen in reality. Needs lots of work. Work that I would like to do but not sure if my mental state will allow me to.