March 21

Today is the first day of spring, and I am excited to start again. It is been a few days since I have a woken up at 5:15 in the morning. And today I start once more down this journey of creating this habit I’m waking up at 5:15 in the morning.

Last week has been difficult to say the least mostly because I missed 2 days, and after those two days I just couldn’t wake up for the life of me.

However, what continued my resolve to wake up early, was my wife. My wife was waking up early with me, not as early as I was waking up, and that gave me the strength to wake up at 6:15 – 6:20 in the morning.

That changed my attitude because I wasn’t just doing it alone, my wife was there helping me out supporting me and letting me know that I could do it.

Nunya Ranch

This past weekend my wife and I went to the ranch that we call Nunya. We left on Friday and came back on Sunday. It was a short trip but it was a trip with purpose.

About 2 weeks ago we received our notification from starlink satellites or is it starlink internet, whatever, that are satellites antenna or whatever it’s called was ready. So we pone it up the $600 and a couple days later we received a box black box in the mail with nice letters across it saying starlink.

And that was the main purpose to our trip, to take it out there set it up and test the internet connection. To our surprise the internet connection varied but you came in very strong. We saw speeds of 40 megabits per second all the way up to 220 megabits per second.

Which is truthfully amazing, because here at the Georgetown house we barely get 40 50 megabits per second on a connection that we pay for 200 megabits per second.

And since now we have internet at Nunya Ranch we are going to start selling everything and moving into the ranch.

So the next adventure from here on out is selling everything and trying to make money from the internet. How we going to do that I’m not quite sure but it needs to be done.